What is Trust Litigation and When Do I Need It?

Trust Litigation in 2022

What is Trust litigation? Trust litigation is a very unfortunate occurrence that might become a necessity when the financial affairs of individuals or families that are part of a trust become tangled, disputed, or simply confused. This can happen even when a trust is well-crafted and instructions are clearly stated. Here at Lowthorp Richards, we often counsel clients that litigation should be the last resort after all other options have been exhausted, and this is certainly the case with trust litigation, largely because of the highly personal nature of relationships generally surrounding trusts.

Read moreWhat is Trust Litigation and When Do I Need It?

How to fit Cryptocurrency into your Estate Planning

What is Cryptocurrency?

By now, you have most likely heard of Bitcoin, a term that is often used synonymously with cryptocurrency. While there are many forms of cryptocurrency, it is generally a digital currency, with a unique feature whereby ownership records are stored in blockchains, a type of encrypted storage. While cryptocurrency shares some features of currency, it is not a traditional currency. They are not regularly issued by a central government authority. That is why you may have heard of them referred to as decentralized currencies. A few countries, including El Salvador, have even gone as far as tying cryptocurrency into their own economy – more formally.

Read moreHow to fit Cryptocurrency into your Estate Planning

California Advocacy Groups Demand Reform of Conservatorships

Conservatorships in California have recently been met by multiple advocacy groups and individual attorneys fighting for the rights of conservatees. California advocacy groups in 2022 are demanding reform of the state’s conservatorship systems. These California advocacy groups want to see a move toward higher-quality protections and less-restrictive options. Some conservatorships can be very restrictive, even having the potential to restrict the civil rights of those who are in need of care. As light continues to shine on this subject, California lawmakers are beginning to discuss avenues for a better future for conservatees.

Read moreCalifornia Advocacy Groups Demand Reform of Conservatorships

The Shrinking Gift Tax Exemption: Going, Going, Gone!

Now that the year 2021 is quickly becoming a distant memory, it is time to write or update your financial plan for 2022. One of the important elements of the plan is the gifts that you are going to give to family, friends and non-profits. We will discuss the basic rules of taxes on gifts and will be happy to address any complex scenarios that you may run into. These rules are likely to change for the worse, by 2025 at the latest. Continue reading for more details.

Read moreThe Shrinking Gift Tax Exemption: Going, Going, Gone!

Your Parents’ Estate Plan and How it Impacts You

Impact on Workload

There are several ways in which your parents, or indeed, any family member’s estate plan impacts you. First, you may be asked to play an active role in the processing of the estate, and that may or may not have been directly communicated to you. You could be the executor of the estate or hold your parents’ power of attorney and would need to know their intentions. Things you should be able to address are:

Read moreYour Parents’ Estate Plan and How it Impacts You

4 Ways to Avoid the Estate Tax for High Net Worth Families

Many high net worth individuals have worked very hard to accumulate wealth and build something of value that they can pass on to their families once they are gone. However, their heirs may be faced with exorbitant tax bills associated with this transfer of wealth when the time comes.

Read more4 Ways to Avoid the Estate Tax for High Net Worth Families

5 Tips to Avoid Probate

It may be a difficult subject to navigate, but when it comes to estate planning, there are certain steps you should take now to avoid probate. Probate—the court proceedings that transfer ownership of an estate from the decedent to their benefactors upon death—is a timely and costly process that can take a toll on grieving families. Probate can also be incredibly confusing and take months or years to sort out. And because it is a court proceeding, it becomes public record. The good news is, depending on your assets, there are several things you can do to avoid probate proceedings. Here are five ways to avoid it in California:

Read more5 Tips to Avoid Probate

How the Proposed Tax Increase Reform May Affect You

woman doing taxes

During the week of September 12th this year, news began circulating of President Biden’s proposed tax increase to offset up to $3.5 trillion that they plan to spend on the social safety net and climate policy. While it is still in the initial proposal stages, if passed, this tax increase would affect top corporations and wealthy individuals—and thus would also potentially create big changes with things such as estate and gift tax exemptions. This proposed bill would go into effect in 2022. If it sounds familiar that’s because it shares many elements of the 99.5 Percent Act proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse earlier this summer—which proposed many reduced monetary thresholds involving estate and gift federal tax liabilities.  Let’s take a deeper look into the details of this new tax increase proposal and what they might mean for you.

Read moreHow the Proposed Tax Increase Reform May Affect You

All About a Business Succession Plan

man standing with sky chalk board

As a business owner, you know that change is inevitable. From team members and company growth to overhead costs, consumer demands, and all things between, your organization is a dynamic entity – flexibly moving and adjusting as the market shifts over time. You have built a resilient company trusted by employees, investors, and customers. But what happens if you, the leader and visionary, decide it is time to move on? In a perfect world, business succession is a smooth transition where most customers and stakeholders are none the wiser about a significant difference at the top level. However, sometimes the leadership change needs to be sudden, maybe for personal reasons like illness or even death, and how do you ensure operations continue and your assets, family, and stakeholders are well-protected? A business succession plan needs to be in place, ready to be executed when needed. Without one, your security, integrity, company, employees, and investors are all at risk. So, what exactly IS a business succession plan, and what does it entail?

Read moreAll About a Business Succession Plan

Estate Planning: Your Guide to See-Through Trusts

notebook with trust and estate planning

You are working hard – building wealth, utilizing retirement accounts, and maybe already talking with financial advisors. You have a clear path to the goals you set for yourself long ago – even if they may have changed a bit as life ebbs and flows. So, what happens next? We hear a lot about planning for retirement, but estate planning is equally important. The latter requires foresight, but it also ensures that your loved ones are taken care of and that your hard work now can still benefit them later. To efficiently protect your well-cultivated retirement assets from creditors, and distribute them to your chosen beneficiaries, a See-Through Trust should be explored and created. See-Through Trusts are a key estate-planning tool, but there are a few things you should know before moving forward.

Read moreEstate Planning: Your Guide to See-Through Trusts